3 min readMay 29, 2021

IoT withme (Ganga)

My Bio starts with this ………. I am not an Engineer.

It’s Truth of Life

And I want to work on IoT devices. Well, IoT is an upcoming ecosystem in INDIA. When I started working on the basic systems like Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, sensors, etc, I was very much confused!
Not confused but yes I was very messed up. I was like….man, it’s too wide. What should I do, to start, what things to be done, what materials to be bought to get started with this stuff. I was not getting anything for the first three months of my learning process. Yes…. you read it right. Glowing a LED without knowing the scene happening behind is not knowing IoT.
It’s damn wide, we here in INDIA are very dependent on coaching centers for learning purposes…even I am one of those children who dropped for a year to get into an IIT….hahaha…but that never happened. So, during this IOT journey also I thought of going towards coaching centers to learn to work with it. But this time, I was more aware…. so I thought of doing some research… I went to Google, YouTube and found out that a bunch of material is available for free.
See, it’s us who do not understand the actual importance of the internet. Internet would never ask your stream/subject/profession if you search for any topic.

Internet knows everything

I got this point, went ahead, searched a lot, subscribed few of the channels, again searched, did the practicals, again searched, and then from the fourth month of the learning process I started understanding IoT.

Well, it’s not because I am slow, but it’s because I want to give it a serious shot.

The story is a long one….. I went on learning, exploring…. found this technology very beautiful and colorful as well. It has a lot of layers and a simple IOT Device includes all these layers to become a workable device.

I am not going into IoT details right now, but I have written this blog to introduce you to my IDEA. So, let’s get started

This is Ganga…. I have started my page IoT withme on LinkedIn, to bring some good stuff for all IoT starters, I know everything is messed online, courses are expensive, a lot of … a lot of open sources are available….

You may not be known, but yes there is a lot of free stuff available on social platforms.

My idea is to create a channelized pathway for all tech enthusiasts, IoT lovers, students, and yes of course for people like me, who love to learn.

There are plans as well….. to know more, follow my blog on Medium.

Stay Tuned.

Go on my LinkedIn Page to connect with me.

You can follow my YouTube channel as well, it is new … I am new to this content creation. To subscribe to my channel IoT withme.

Take care and stay safe.

